Monday, April 26, 2010

Mission Impossible

Jesus told the disciples, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you." (Matthew 28:19-20) When I think of the logistics of traveling at that time, I am astounded that the disciples weren't paralyzed by the enormity of the mission. Under terrible persecution, without tv, internet, or automobiles, they set out on foot do fulfill the great commission. That was an impossible mission.

Today, Pastor Dan Quinta and his team left little Mannsville, NY to go to Haiti. This is not a new thing because of the earthquake. Dan has made this trip many times over the past several years. The needs are so great in Haiti. Is it possible for one man to rescue all of the children from starvation? Is it possible for even a team to transform the complete tragedy that is Haiti right now? Yet they boarded planes this morning heading out on a mission impossible.

Today I think that doing the impossible comes when God touches the little things we do even when we don't recognize His call. It's all about the sheep and the goats. (Matthew 25:31-46) The difference between the two is that the sheep did and the goats didn't. The parable says the goats are without excuse. It is at our peril that we wait until the Lord reveals Himself before we act. We can't say, "Lord, I didn't know it was you," and be off the hook.

The Lord rewards the sheep who do the works of ministry and service. Not only that, but He multiplies those works to make a tremendous difference--to actually accomplish those missions impossible. The disciples only had to share the gospel with the people they met. They only had to go to the places they were able to get to. Team Haiti 4 Jesus can only feed the children they can reach. Those missions are possible. Beyond that, it is a work of the Lord. He multiplied the work of the disciples to take the gospel to every nation. He will multiply the work of the missionaries to transform the country of Haiti. He will multiply the works I do to take my little part of the planet for Jesus.

Today, I will not be a goat. I will share words of encouragement. I will care for the people that God places in my path. Today I am on a mission impossible looking for the reward that my King promises to me: "Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world." (Matthew 25:34)

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure the disciples would be amazed at what their efforts has done for the world today, how many people are reached through TV, Internet, Radio, and advanced transportation methods. They set out on a mission that seemed hopeless and 2000 years later is something that is actually possible. it is a work of God to take a group of people as small as 12 to reach the entire planet. Who knows what the work of a team as small as Dan's could do in a couple thousand years :) All it takes is the willingness to be faithful to God's call amidst the endless amount of possible setbacks.
