Saturday, April 3, 2010

Holiness and the Publican

What if I ignored the fact that God is holy? I would just have to live up to the standard of human opinion. Whatever public policy dictates, that is how I would be required to live. That wouldn't be so hard. I do a pretty good job of being a decent citizen. I think I'm pretty nice to my friends and neighbors. I don't rob banks or steal lollipops from small children. I don't lie. Compared to many people out there, I'm a regular saint. Would it really be necessary for Jesus to die for regular sinners like me? Yes, Jesus died for the world. But if He didn't die for me as an individual, I would still be hopeless, living in the delusion of my own righteousness.

Ignoring the truth doesn't change it. "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23) When He invades the lives of His people, God's holiness leaves them completely undone. His brilliant holiness was enough to blind the apostle Paul. The sons of Aaron went up in a puff of smoke for entering God's holy presence in an unrighteous way.

Whenever God touches me with His holiness, I am undone as well. God's holiness shows me that I, like the apostle, am chief among sinners. I deserve death by God's hand, yet He sees me perfected in Christ Jesus. I can't think of anything more awesome than that!

In the parable of the Pharisee and the publican, Jesus tells us the story of two men who went to pray. (Luke 18:10-14) One saw only his own goodness. The other saw the holiness of God. I am able to boldly approach the throne of grace much as the publican did, not because I'm pretty good by the world's standard. It is purely by the shed blood of Jesus Christ, Messiah, Perfect Lamb of God.

Today, I can stand with my sin forgiven, the price fully paid, with the hope and courage to seek the face of God. Words can't be found to express how thankful I am for the Cross.

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