Thursday, April 1, 2010

Me First!

I am someone who has gotten to amusement parks thirty minutes early to be first in line to my favorite ride. I have also gone shopping on Black Friday, albeit unsuccessfully. I know I'm not the only one. Many of us want to be first in line to get the prize. We may say with our lips, "I can wait, go ahead," but with our hearts and minds, we cry out "Me first!" and then feel guilty about being so selfish.

I think of little children who raise their hands and shout out "Me, Me" when there is some goody being offered. Grownups don't do that so much. I guess we have learned that it is rude to be impatient. Decorum is offended by too much enthusiasm.

Today, I am looking at "me first" a little differently. In the gospels, Jesus clearly reacts to those who say "me first" with their actions. Think of all the people who so rudely budged in line. He blessed them all. The guy whose friends lowered him through the roof... the Syrophoenician woman with the demonized daughter... the people who brought their children to Jesus to be blessed... the woman with the issue of blood... blind Bartimaeus... the ten lepers. The list goes on and on. One common denominator is present in those to whom Jesus ministered--they all said "Me first!" with their actions.

I must admit, my sensibilities get a bit offended when I think of the parable of the guy who pounded on his neighbor's door in the middle of the night for some bread (Luke 11:5-8). If my kids ever did something like that I would have rebuked them for being rude and obnoxious. "Wait your turn!" I would say. However, that is not the point of the parable. Jesus told his disciples, "If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him?" (Luke 11:13)

So why do I think Jesus wants us to keep on pressing in with a "me first" attitude?
  • It demonstrates that we know we have a need.
  • It shows that we believe that He is the only one that can fill that need.
  • It shows that we don't care what anyone else thinks.
I think I have had things backwards. I wanted to be first in line with what the world has to offer and show patience in matters spiritual. Today, I'm going to reverse that. When Jesus passes by, I'm going to be the one jumping up and down saying "Me, first!" Me first in the prayer line. Me first to worship. Me first to be healed. Me first to be blessed. Me first to celebrate the Risen Lord.

At that time, the disciples came to Jesus and said, "Who is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?" Then He called a child to Him and had him stand among them. "I assure you, He said, unless you are converted and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child--this one is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven." (Matthew 18:1-4)

In the spirit of one of God's little children, today I say "Me, first!"


  1. Princess Pie has no trouble with that! I agree that the rest of us do though. We also need to remember that when something is given we can't say "that's not for me, must be its for someone else" because it IS for us. So we shouldn't pick and choose which things to get in line for, we should be ready and willing to receive ALL that God has for us since we can trust that what he gives will be good.

  2. I remember as a child that when I was in "me first" mode, I never gave even one thought about whether anyone else would be able to have some of whatever it was I was seeking, only that I didn't get left out. As an adult, I've experienced times when there just wasn't enough of something to go around, so I've been willing to sacrifice for someone else and go without.

    But there is a difference between worldly things and spiritual things. God doesn't run out of spiritual things! There is ALWAYS enough to go around. We don't have to worry that if we budge to be first in line that someone else won't get a blessing. The only way they won't get a blessing is if they don't get in line! I think if we're content to be martyrs for the sake of others, saying, "I'll wait, you go first," God will just let us sit there and be martyrs.

    I think I'd like to be a line-budger with you, Nancy, and say, "Me first!" like my good-old childhood days. I know there's enough to go around. :)
