Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Bucket Loads of Prayer

Last week I got this picture in my mind while I was praying. I could see angels collecting my prayers in buckets and using them as the energy force needed to accomplish what I prayed for. As I prayed for myself, the angel poured a bucket of prayer over me. It was as if I was covered by a thick down blanket. As I prayed for families, their homes were covered with a thick blanket of prayer. As I prayed for my church, the church was filled with this prayer substance stuff.

The Holy Spirit was teaching me to look at prayer as the commodity used to do the will of God. Like any other commodity, prayer could be used up and run out. He showed me that angels were just waiting for substantive prayer so they could do the work they were called to do. The more prayer in the bucket, the more work the angels accomplish.

Then I got this interesting revelation about the showdown at Mount Carmel. (I Kings 18:20-39) The prophets of Baal did all kinds of works to have their "god" burn up their sacrifice. They screamed and hollered and cut themselves and their god never answered. Elijah, on the other hand, had people dump bucket upon bucket of water on his offering. Not only was the wood soaked, but there was a trench overflowing with water. Then Elijah spoke a word and the fire of God fell and consumed all of it.

The Holy Spirit told me that prayers are like those buckets of water. People will try all sorts of works to get their "god" to answer them. But one who truly prays will appear like Elijah. The situation may look impossible but when the trenches overflow with prayer, God will answer with fire. I may not know the perfect words to pray but today I won't be discouraged. I'm just going to keep filling those prayer buckets and watch as God answers by fire.

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