On July 7, 2010, the Holy Spirit gave a word of prophesy to me. Since then, my life has been a continuous earthquake as I have watched my family get shaken. My knees have weakened. My soul has become downcast. The weight of discouragement has nearly crushed me. "Yet I will triumph in the LORD; I will rejoice in the God of my salvation" (Hab. 3:8. HCSB) It is time now to shake off the dust and ashes and rejoice loudly for MY GOD REIGNS! Even now, the enemy has been defeated and we can shout VICTORY IS THE LORD'S!
The Shaking Has Begun...
July 7, 2010
Whatever a man places his trust upon--that will I shake. If a man places his trust upon a relationship, that will be shaken. If a man places his trust upon worldly wealth, that will I shake. If a man places his trust upon a government, that will I shake. If a man places his trust upon worldly wisdom, that will I shake.
The earthquake has already begun. The shaking will effect every man, woman and child on the earth. I will bring out of this shaking a pure spotless bride who puts her complete trust, faith, honor, and glory in Me and Me alone.
As an earthquake causes a great divide on the surface of the planet, so this shaking will cause a great divide in humanity: those who trust and serve their God and those who curse Him.
Do not fear the shaking. Every person's crutches will be revealed. Do not say to yourselves "I trust only God" for all have fallen short of the glory that I would display among my people.
Be ready to gather those who have been freed from their worldly connections. Although they are free, it will appear to them as devastation. Do not try to fix what is being broken. Trust in Me and My purpose for all things are being formed, shaken, and reformed for My good. Watch, my child. Watch, my children. Do not fear in this fearful time. As I said "Yet once more I will shake not only the earth but also heaven." [Hebrews 13:26]
Look for the signs of the shaking and rejoice. when you are shaken, rejoice. My glory is near at hand and will soon be revealed. the trump is at My lips and will soon sound. The Bride is making ready for Her Groom's return.